This wasn't the first time Coast City was teased Detective McKenna Hall relocated to Coast City for treatment before that in the main timeline after being shot by the Huntress, Helena Bertinelli causing her temporary paralysis.
Coast City also got a couple of mentions on the Flash. Barry used his speed to buy his friends some Coast City Pizza. One the Flash as well we had a relocation to Coast City by Linda Park after she almost died at the hands of Zoom during the show's second season.
But more importantly after seeing Arrow boarding the boat to Coast City news flooded about the casting of Hal Jordan and Carol Ferris. The names of the cast members were right there on IMDb as well, then things changed and only the Carol name stuck around. The that as well was taken away from the viewers.
On the upcoming season of Arrow though Carly Pope has been cast in the role of Susan Williams who in the comic books is also known as Susan Williams Jordan, wife of one Jim Jordan and sister-in-law of one Hal Jordan.The new reporter will be first appearing on Arrow on the third episode of the show's upcoming season.
The question is would that choice of casting bring Hal Jordan/The Green Lantern on step closer to showing up on Arrow. A couple of months ago the answer could have been no. Basically, after what seemed to be a confirmed decision to bring Hal Jordan into the fourth season of Arrow, the whole news about DC Cinematic Universe characters not appearing on the DC TV Universe and vice versa came up. They even seemed to kill Amanda Waller on the fourth season of Arrow on purpose in order to facilitate for a complete separation of both universes, considering Amanda Waller is a key player in the Suicide Squad story line which is what the latest DC movie is all about.
But recently minds have been changed and we are going to be able to see one of the biggest and most Cinematic Universe characters on one of the TV Universe shows, Superman. As most of you probably know already Tyler Hoechlin has been cast to play the Man of Steel on Supergirl in its sophomore season. The news came as a surprise to a lot of people, especially after they tried to avoid showing him like the plague in the first season and ended up always showing his back momentarily or replacing his existence in Kara Zor-El's life by having them chat over text once every few episodes.
But now that this change has happened, and regardless of the planned 2020 Green Lantern Corps movie, there is a good chance we could actually see more major DC characters including Green Lantern. There's no harm from wishing.
And remember Arrow returns on October 5th will all new episodes.
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