The latest episode of American Gothic actually managed to make things a bit better, in fact just when it seemed like it was hitting rock bottom, the show improved by a lot rather than a bit. The most recent episode gave us a closer glimpse at Garrett's character, who he was and what he is like. He is still a little bit enigmatic seeing as to how the show did not tell us who he killed as a teenager. However, it did give us a great insight on where he grew up between leaving his family and coming back fourteen years later after Tessa called him with news about his hospitalized father.

As Garrett is now in jail and awaiting trial for being the partner to one Silver Bells Killer we see him flashback to relationships with his entire family, how he left and how he came back and how his love for his siblings brought him back every once in a while to check on them, nonetheless from a distance and without being seen.
We also see a Tessa hesitant to believe that her eldest brother is a killer or a partner to a killer. However, after visiting him in prison she comes out with the impression that he very well help give her that he is indeed a killer. Her shock makes her decide to take her husband's side, now willing to help Brady in anyway to get this over once and for all and uncover the full truth.
Closer to the end of the episode and as young Jack visits his uncle in prison, he informs Garrett of how he saw Christina Morales (Catalina Sandino Moreno) at the clinic when his aunt, Tessa, was going for her ultrasound. He also indicates that she was a patient and not a doctor in the clinic when Garrett deduces that it must be her new job. Overwhelmed by the news, Garrett calls her to make sure she is pregnant and after an entire episode of him not caring what happens to him, he calls the lawyer his mother (Virginia Madsen) hired for him and asks her to find him a way out from prison.
He also asks Alison to help him get out. Alison has already by then discovered a connection between Brady's partner, Detective Cutter, and Mayor Bill Conley (Enrico Colantoni) using the help and support of TV reporter Jennifer Windham (Sarah Power) whom she has been blackmailing for bugging the Hawthorne house.
At the end of the episode we see Jennifer on TV reading a message from someone who refers to himself or herself as SBK's partner before she screams and is killed by whoever is next to her forcing her to read the message. A silver bell is of course left to next to her.
In the promo for the following episode we see a face-off between the Hawthorne children and their mother who is on the floor at some point with what seems to be silver bells scattered all over the place. Is she the silver bells killer? Is she just helping Garrett out of his pickle?
At last, the mystery of the first few episodes is back to the series and an episode rich in events, interesting ones as well has been offered to the viewer. I am back to being interested in seeing more of this show. Let's hope the show continues to be this interesting over the remaining very few episodes of the season.
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