I was not prepared. Words that many World of Warcraft players would find funny given they are a variation of the infamous character among WoW fans Illidan Stormrage. But it is true. I was not prepared at all.
I started watching Cloud Atlas as one other movie for Tom Hanks, one that is probably going to be good but not as good as the ones that got all the hype when they were released. But I was definitely surprised and unable to get out of my seat and away from my screen.

Every actor/actress in this movie has portrayed multiple characters.
Tom Hanks for starters did a great performance with every single character he portrayed from distant future Zachry to 70s scientist Isaac Sachs among 6 roles he portrayed in the movie out of which 4 were major and 2 although minor were nonetheless an integral part of the story.

The movie simply portrays how every single character's choices affect not only themselves but others and not only around them but through time, shaping people and their personalities and finally inspiring a revolution in a very distant future.

Among other great actors in this movie were Jim Broadbent, Hugo Weaving, Hugh Grant, James D'Arcy and Susan Sarandon.
There is nothing more to say here other than the fact that this movie was three hours of pure awesomeness and was worth every viewing minute. I rate it with a solid 9.5 out of 10.0 and I totally advise anyone reading this to step away from whatever platform they are reading this on and go watch this movie immediately.
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