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The Flash: Can Shantel VanSanten Make a return?

The Messengers, a show that aired on the CW for one season as a mid-season entry in 2015 and then got cancelled, was about an object crashing on earth, like an asteroid creating a crater. In the aftermaths of its crash, a group of unconnected strangers die from an energy pulse it emits. These six strangers come back to life only to realize that they have been deemed responsible for preventing the impending Apocalypse, they are the messengers.

Sounds good? Maybe, but the show materialized into something that could be referred to as garbage at best. However, I did decide to watch the entire season consisting of 13-episodes back when it aired for one and only one reason, Shantel VanSanten. Shantel's acting in the role of Vera Buckley (one of the chosen six) was the only good thing going on for that sorry excuse for a show.

Becoming Patty

The following fall the very same amazing actress started portraying the character of Detective Patty Spivot on the Flash. Patty was this beautiful, kind, caring, selfless, highly intelligent, compassionate, and very passionate person, not only when it came to her work but also when it came to the people in her life. In the show she is paired early in the season with Detective Joe West and becomes part of the 'Anti-Meta-Human Task Force.' She is also ends up briefly dating Barry in a relationship that was doomed by her feeling that he was hiding things from her. She also later on realized through deduction that he was the Flash. Barry ended up making a sacrifice and letting her go and never admitted he was the Flash but she ended up forcing him into giving up his secret identity as she left the city on a train.

Her doppelganger from earth-2 is mentioned on Barry's visit to Earth-2 later during the second season and she seems to be working as a C.S.I. agent in the CCPD which is closer to her comic book persona.

Comic Book Patty

Patricia Spivot in the comics is a partner of Barry Allen. Her known aliases are Ms. Flash and Hot Pursuit. Instead of being the detective that she was on the show, in the comic books she is a Lab Assistant to the police forensic scientist Barry Allen. As her character progressed she ended up becoming the CCPD's full-time forensic analyst.

She left the Police Department and Central City for Blue Valley Nebraska when the new department director started emphasizing quantity of cases solved over quality. She returns back to Central City when asked for help on a case by Barry but later after a quick confrontation with Professor Zoom (The Reverse Flash, Eobard Thaawne and not 'Zoom' a.k.a Hunter Zoloman) she ends up leaving, but not before Barry tries to convince her to stay and she confesses her crush on him.

What follows here though is the amazing part that gives me hope there is a Patty Spivot/Shantel VanSanten surprise appearance or hopefully appearances in Season 3. During the Flashpoint events, Patty who wanted to achieve something greater in life, steals the superhero costume of 'Hot Pursuit' from the CCPD hence becoming the new Hot Pursuit and making her superhero debut. She ends up dying at the hands of Brainiac (supervillain) after repeatedly facing off with him while teamed up with Kid Flash Bart Allen (Kid Flash and later Fourth Flash and Grandson of Barry Allen).

In the New 52 version of events Barry managed to create a new Universe bringing Patty back to life. In this version of events he never marries Iris West and is in a relationship with Patty.

Well let's hope that our beloved Patty Spivot makes it back to the series even if for a few episodes in the next season. Especially with the Flashpoint, I am hoping Barry will find a friend and maybe a romantic interest in her that is if he does not end up with Iris someway or the other in the Flashpoint which is a possibility considering the trailer for the season seems to indicate that the universe brings them together no matter what.

The Flash returns Tuesdays this October on the CW with all new episodes.


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